About Sean Lang

Hey guys, I'm Sean Lang, and I'm a professional drummer. I am also an instructor, composer and producer.
I play drums for Metal Blade Records recording artist KARDASHEV.
A Brief History
I got my first drumset at age 10 and took lessons for years. In high school, I did band class, jazz band, and had my own little high school rock band with friends. Music was my life.
Music continued to dominate my life after graduating high school, and I started a progressive metal band called First Reign which released several albums and stayed together for about 10 years.
During this decade, I hooked up with Jared Falk and Dave Atkinson from what is now known as Drumeo, although back then it was FreeDrumLessons.com. Over the years, we released the DVD set Bass Drum Secrets 2.0, as well as many live lessons through Drumeo.
In 2013, I had the absolute privilege of competing in the Roland Canada V-drums contest, and got to perform my drum solo at the Montreal Drum Fest. It was an incredible experience.
Through the years, I have taught many people drums, I have played with many artists both live and in the studio, and I have written and recorded lots of my own original compositions.
I have taken my passion teaching drums, and my passion of composing music and combined the two to bring you Drumless Practice Loops, something I think is very powerful. It is a fantastic way to practice and I'm sure that if you've tried them out, you agree!